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所属科目: 动物界 » 节肢动物门 » 蛛形纲;Arachnida » 柄腹亚纲 » 蜘蛛目 » 蝇虎科 »

学名:Orcevia sicus
Total length 5.04: cephalothorax 2.49 long, 1.88 wide; abdomen 2.80 long, 1.88 wide. Carapace oval, dark brown, and with iridescent purple, cephalic region flatter than thoracic region, furnished with some short white hairs (fig. 8). Anterior eye row 1.45 wide, posterior row 1.30 wide. Diameter of eyes: AME 0.47, ALE 0.27, PME 0.05, PLE 0.20. Cephalic groove obvious. Median furrow longitudinal. Radial groove inconspicuous. Chelicerae dark brown, with iridescent purple, furnishing with two promarginal teeth, one retromarginal fissidentati. Maxillae and labium dark brown. Sternum nearly oval, brownish, with a few brown hairs. Leg brown, with dark brown annuli, annuli of leg I, II widest. Femora I – III with five dorsal spines, IV with four dorsal spines. Tibiae I and II each with three ventral spines; III with one pro– and one retrolateral spine, respectively, one ventral spine; IV with two retrolateral spines. Metatarsi I and II each with two pairs of ventral spines; III with two pro– and two retrolateral spines, respectively, one pair of ventral spine; IV with one pro– and one retrolateral spine, respectively. Measurements of legs: I 4.77 (1.45 + 2.05 + 0.82 + 0.45); II 3.91 (1.25 + 1.52 + 0.72 + 0.42); III 4.01 (1.32 + 1.32 + 0.90 + 0.47); IV 4.61 (1.42 + 1.72 + 1.00 + 0.47). Leg formula: 1432. Male RTA long and wide, with small ventral papillae, bulb with a semicirclar retrolateral apophysis; embolus thin and long (figs. 9, 10). Abdomen elongate, dorsum dark brown, iridescent purple, furnishing with white hairs; venter greyish. Spinnerets greyish